Nan’s Notebook

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Nan’s “Triple M” Marbles Motivation Method

What a collection of small things can do for you… Use a simple formula to build good habits and get rid of the bad ones using marbles (as an example).

If you’re ever feeling lost or ungrounded, unproductive or stuck, burnt out or unmotivated, here’s what you can do:

Find your marbles*

*It doesn’t have to be marbles, it can be any collection of small things

How I found my marbles

I found the old marbles collection in a storage closet.

They’re just as pretty as ever!

Let’s use them to take action.

Put the marbles near your workspace.

Find a nice receptacle; I had this nice glass bowl that makes a nice clinking sound when I drop a marble into it.

Put the marbles and the receptacle in a central but personal location.

Here’s the formula: one thing equals one marble. Big thing equals big marble?

For example, in doing my morning routine, I pick out a marble and put it in the glass bowl for each small task.


To work on my bad morning habit. Over the years, I’ve tended to dive head first into my projects without taking care of life and limb first. Water, coffee, healthy food, washing, brushing, dressing, admin, and prepping for the day.

Yes, it can take this level of self help at times to make progress!

Having a solid morning routine moves me from getting out of bed to getting things done even on the days when I friggin don’t want to, on the days when I only have 40%, on the sunny days, on the rainy days. By the time I get through the routine, in my mind I’m ready to work.

The idea is to build small good habits and discontinue bad ones.

Sometimes I reward myself with a marble if I do NOT do something, e.g., if I’m trying to END a bad habit. This one can be a little tricky. It requires you to notice what isn’t there…

Tackling the to-do list.

Throughout the day, each task done gets a marble. Positive reinforcement works. You may be surprised to find what a little thing like a marble can do for you.

Before you know it, the bowl fills up!

What progress looks like?

What?? No marbles? What else might work

Use what you’ve got. Coins? Blocks? Hardware? Buttons? Friggin pasta? Things that build something? Things that clink when they drop? It doesn’t have to be a gazillion of them, either, just a few of something works. You can use a small bowl.

Here’s a 20-second mobile (vertical) video I posted on social media about my simple marbles formula. (Swanky jazz music added on each platform.)

Using this method has helped me work through countless projects, be on my game around the house, and take care of things generally.

It has also helped quiet my inner critic and be nicer to my inner child, who does well when she’s doing well. If that makes sense.

Heck, sometimes I walk by and pick out a marble and drop it in the bowl just because I need a little pick me up, dammit. I’ll think of something I did (or didn’t do) that deserves a marble.

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videos, 4seasonshelf, cook with Nan Nancy Swett videos, 4seasonshelf, cook with Nan Nancy Swett

Morning Sunshine: Blueberry Pancakes

Morning Sunshine with Nan making blueberry pancakes — video

Morning Sunshine video: Nan makes blueberry pancakes


I don’t always make breakfast, but when I do, I seem to want to make a video about it and set it to music haha!

This morning, it was blueberry pancakes.

How I made the video

While I was standing around, I took some quick pix and vids.

I sat down at the dining room table with my Motorola smartphone and logged into Canva to made a 20-sec mobile video (vertical short format for social media). I picked a cool mobile video template, uploaded a few of my own images and very short video segments, cropped and trimmed things up, and once happy with it, downloaded it to my phone.

One video segment of me having a bite of pancake took several takes, and even then I had to run it through an Instagram filter and download that. I was wearing no makeup and was basically still in my PJs…

I downloaded the video from Canva to my phone and then uploaded it to multiple platforms. In each platform, I added the same music: The Devil Went Down To Georgia by the Charlie Daniels Band. (Can you guess why I used that song?) I found the right fiddle section of the song and adjusted the soundtrack accordingly.

I added in some hashtags by the seat of my pants, such as #morningroutine #blueberrytiktok but hashtags is definitely an area I could spend more time on researching for optimal discovery.

What am I trying to accomplish with this video?

I don’t know! Somebody please tell me haha!

No seriously, I’m trying to learn to make videos quickly and easily so that I can do it on the fly. In general, videos are great for SEO (search engine optimization) and engagement. Making pancakes tells a little story, and storytelling is great.

Put something out there and see what happens, that’s good feedback.

Specifically with this video, the idea is (1) to give viewers some inspiration for making a yummy quick breakfast with just a couple of ingredients, (2) to show my natural habitat so that people can get to know me, and (3) to put another video out there to see what works.

So how’s the video doing?

It varies by platform. It got immediate attention on TikTok. It’s also on YouTube and Instagram.

Sometimes it takes a while for a video’s views to shape up, but sometimes it takes off right away — or dies a quick but painful death lol. It’s good to see what works and what doesn’t.

So far, the people are liking blueberry pancakes, bagels with opera, poetry, how to start a fire, how to make a seasonal wreath, daylight savings time, St. Patrick’s Day parade, plein air painting, and promotional videos for my books.

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